Friday, February 15, 2013

Guest blogger with Valentine's Day fun!

I have been looking forward to this for weeks.  Welcome Erica, first guest blogger here at One Pin Per Week!

A couple weeks ago I had a bright idea to do something fun for my husband for Valentine’s Day.  Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays.  I love that many people take time on this day to appreciate those they love.  With that spirit in mind, I went in search of a great pin to bring to life. 

My inspiration:

I ended up switching out several items for things my husband would like better.  I also used labels to attach my little sayings.  I gave him one gift a day starting on February 1 and continuing until Valentine’s Day.  Here are mine. 

Also, since I was feeling extra loving, I decided to make a small gift for all the little kiddos at my daughter’s daycare.  I used bubbles and attached a small sticker that said “Hope your day bubbles over with love!”  

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Erica...what we really wanted to see were the comments you put on the goodies for your husband.
