Friday, October 19, 2012

Brownie Marshmallow Cupcakes

I hung out at my sister's house for the evening.  As soon as I walked in the door, one of my nephews said, "Aunt Nancy, I want to bake something with you!"  Good thing my sister knew this was coming and had something in mind.

The inspiration came from here....

Step 1: Make brownie mix as directed.  Put some in each muffin cup.  Do not fill to top.  We had great helpers!!!

 Step 2: Put mini marshmallows on top of brownie mix.  Our addition was to drizzle butterscotch on there, too.

Step 3: Top with more of the brownie mixture and bake @ 325 degrees.  It ended up taking them about 32 minutes.

Step 4: Remove from oven and enjoy!

Our review is that they were good.... but could probably be better.  As you can see, most of the butterscotch cooked out, and the marshmallow may have, too.  Next time, we'll put less batter below the "extras" and maybe make a few more cupcakes instead.  They still tasted good, but there is room for improvement!

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