Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Pinterest weekend!

Weekends in the fall tend to fill up pretty quickly pretty early.  So when I realized I had a free weekend, I decided I would try several pinterest recipes.  Having friends over for game night helped the cause!

I was looking for things that were snacky-type foods, yet dessert-ish, too, since we were gathering after dinner.

I settled on Apple Pie Dip and cinnamon sugar tortilla chips...

Here's my version:

I also made brownie batter dip.  No eggs in this one, so you can snack with a little less guilt (except for that whole weight gain thing!).

I served it with graham crackers, raspberries, and pretzel sticks.

It was decided that all of these get a thumbs up.  Great for entertaining... definitely too yummy to just make and eat at home -- you might eat all of it! :)

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