Saturday, March 7, 2015

Etched Glass

A Saturday with nothing on the schedule except crafting? Sounds like heaven... and sounds like it's time to try a new craft! I had seen this several times on Pinterest and wanted to try it, and today was the day! 

Inspiration came from here: 

Thoughts on this project... 
-much easier than anticipated 
-more fun than expected! 
-leaves room for creativity 
-shows up better on empty glass than on glass with a colored material inside it (a red candle, for example) 

Such a fun project and I just may have to find more and more glass around my apartment... or go buy new stuff! 

Here are the supplies you'll need... don't get fooled by the sales tactics at the craft store. You only need a very small bottle. A little goes a long way!

First time through, I used an adhesive stencil and stuck it to the glass. Then applied the Armour Etch with a paint brush.

Directions say to leave it on for five minutes but it doesn't seem like that's enough.  We left it on for 30 and then rinsed with water.  Using a paper towel helps to get it all wiped off.

Ta da!

See what I mean about the red background?  Here's one that was on clear glass with nothing behind it to show you the difference.

If you don't have adhesive stencils, you can trace a design onto contact paper and then cut it out with an x-acto knife on a cutting mat.  Adds a step to the process but works just as well!

Have fun!